Its Christmas already.
Merry Christmas to all my dearies out there!
Well, Christmas was quite different this year,compared to the other years..hmm.
We were late for any Christmas count down at any church.Don't know why that this year, there are some weird see. So we just shush the idea of going.
Anyhow, we joined the world celebrating at KL. and OH-MY-GOSH! what a commotion there!
It was so crazy..and I am,honestly, scared.(lil' bit..)Well, i am scared they might just injured you at any moment.
Aerosol cans were everywhere, white foams in the atmosphere...and you literally can hear the sound of the 'tock tock tock' of the cans being shaken.hahaha...the symphony of aerosol cans together creates a unharmonious orchestra.But instead, the sign of the coming blow of foams at your face! *time to get shelter!* and yeap,they even sprayed on carS and busses..poor thing.
And thank God, we were safe.
I've never seen so many youngsters/ people in my life before!
haih...the thought always comes to my head...they are celebrating for the wrong reasons!!
Christmas isn't about snow or red santa cap and presents,but to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
I guess the whole world have totally forgotten about that and glorified that fatty old man with the big belly.
I hate Santa!
okie, thats all.
Blessed Christmas everyone! muacks!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Posted by alie at 4:49 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wow!! Christmas is coming SOON!
yay! the most anticipated season and time is here...haha =)
get more presents (hmm..not actually la.) and love the reds,green,jingles....hate santas
but most of all, FGA SELAYANG is gonna bring the message of hope through our Christmas Service on the 18th!
It very RARE for us to do something..and yup, lots of efforts has been pumped into it.

mauhaahhhaa =)
love & blessings,
Posted by alie at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Today is officially the last day of school for the year 2009! means the start of holidays! means the ending of year 2009..
Posted by alie at 8:52 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Posted by alie at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
I am really really GLAD that I went for the Prayer/Sleepover in St.Mary's la.
Posted by alie at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Exams is in a few weeks time..
Form 6 isn't that easy as I have thought...I guess that's why everyone prefers colleges,huh?
Will I continue to as least get a 3.0?
I guess it will be tougher this time not 'guess' it 'will be'
Teachers kept on repeating the same old thing,
inflicting stresses on each of us..
I hate it.
Can they just show some encouragement like.
."don't worry,its just a school exam...or even......( i can't think of anything..)
they just know how to say :
'ok...class,becareful ya.Soalan ini senior kamu selalu jawab salah...Jadi,belajar ,study baik-baik becoz exam kali ini sangat tough ya..."
( you know who is this..hhehe)
I love studying for Econs, but my motivation to study MATHS flew to somewhere in the deep blue Pacific Ocean.I couldn't find it. :( but still i guess Business Studies gone to the loji kumbahan.I hate this subject.
Well, well,
time to get jealous of the form 3s and continue on living.
Let God do the rest...I will just sit still and see what he has planned for me.ok?
Posted by alie at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
a letter to DADDY,
Dear Dad,
Forgive me for I have failed you so many times.
I know I have not known you even if I called you Abba Father.
I am so sorry.
I failed to know your word..the one that you have given to me to guide me,your love letters to me.
You gave it to me but I did not spend enough time reading it.
I don't know why... but its so hard to make a stand for you these days.
So many temptations and I always tend to fall into the enemies trap.
What will I do when people want to know about you?
I was tested today but I failed to tell them who you are to me..
my foundations about you are so WEAK!
Now I know..
So Dad, help me to hunger for more of your Words.
Spend more time with you..and resist all this world has to offer me.
You guide me in Your everlasting arms and never let me go..I know you wouldn't.
Help me also to bring in more brothers and sisters into our family.
Thank You ,daddy.
Posted by alie at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: love daddy